“Another Chinatown building sold at high price” (Translated)

Aug. 21, 2016 – Translated from 明報 Ming Pao


Another Chinatown building sold at high price

 Concern group worries gentrification could lead to loss of traditional storefronts

 Ming Pao A8 August 21, 2016

 The worry about gentrification and the loss of more Chinese storefronts is being raised once again following the sale of a street corner building in Chinatown that could be demolished and rebuilt as a nine or even 12-storey tower.

 Despite repeated fights and ongoing calls for more affordable housing and saving more low-rent storefronts in Chinatown, the situation has been getting worse  and Chinatown is becoming less and less affordable particularly for those low-income Chinese seniors, according to Wai-on [Leung] of the Chinatown Concern Group.

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“建理想愛城華埠 學者:助族裔融和”

2016-06-14 –  星島日報


利德蕙指出 認識歷史 十分重要

由愛民頓中華會館主辦的第二屆華埠會議(Chinatown Conference),上周末(11及12日)於亞伯達大學舉行,會議目的是集合北美各地華埠的代表,商討如何保留及發展富歷史和文化價值的愛民頓華埠區。

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“費城華埠貴族化 影響新移民居住權“

2016-06-13 – 星島日報


本報費城訊:全國亞太裔社區發展聯盟(National CAPACD)連同夏威夷原住民促進委員會日前發布了《我們的社區:美籍華人及太平洋島居民反遷移戰略》報告。費城華埠發展會(PCDC)的職員楊星兒在啟動儀式上代表費城華埠發言,闡述了社區貴族化的早期影響。


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“Challenges for Chinatown”

June, 10, 2016 – CBC On the Coast (Audio: 53:04 – 1:05:33)

“Rediscovering Toronto’s Lost Chinatown”

June, 1, 2016 – New Canadian Media


Tucked behind Toronto City Hall’s curved towers, on Elizabeth Street, is a modest patch of greenery outfitted with bright red benches and blossoming tulips. It’s from this spot — once a parking lot— that historian Arlene Chan reconstructs an image of Toronto’s first Chinatown.

Chan draws on a mix of personal history and research to inform her audience, who joined her Heritage Toronto tour of Old Chinatown on May 14.  A librarian turned writer, Chan offers a glimpse into the lives of the city’s early Chinese immigrants.

“Why was there a Chinatown? Why was there such a tight-knit community?” asks Chan, before answering her own question. “It was because the Chinese were isolated. ”

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“Vancouver developers and community activists debate Chinatown’s future”

June, 14, 2016 – The Globe and Mail


The lot near the corner of Keefer and Quebec streets is no historic gem. Once the site of a garage, it is now covered with gravel and a smattering of parked cars.

But it has turned into a Waterloo for Vancouver’s Chinatown, with a wide range of groups viewing whatever is built there as the indicator species for the future of this small historic neighbourhood.

At the heart of the debate are these questions: Are some buildings just too big for Chinatown? And what will do more to improve this beleaguered area, which has been losing businesses and vitality since the 1970s – more social housing for the poor or more market condos to attract the middle class?

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“How to keep Chinatown alive: Edmonton conference looks at big-city success stories”

June, 11, 2016 – Edmonton Journal (Video + Article)

Edmonton hosts conference on future of big city Chinatowns

Dr. Donald Yung wears a T-shirt declaring his love of Calgary’s Chinatown at a Saturday conference in Edmonton looking at the future of Chinatowns in big cities. SHAUGHN BUTTS / POSTMEDIA

Lan Chan-Marples thinks Edmonton’s Chinatown can learn some lessons from Chicago.

More than 100 years ago, before the term “gentrification” existed, residents of the Illinois city’s Chinatown were displaced thanks to rising property values.

The neighbourhood relocated, but after a few decades, an interstate highway roared through and residents lost their only recreational facility.

The community spent the next 50 years trying to recover.

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媒體報道:市府城市設計組關於奇化街 105號


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