“Changing Chinatown”

Apr. 7, 2016 – The Runner


Like the Downtown Eastside adjacent to it, Chinatown is a community that finds itself in a strange situation. A neighbourhood known for low income levels and a specific cultural character is finding its own residents slowly being pushed out by economic forces. Seniors who have lived in the area their whole lives are finding their businesses replaced by new cafes selling $4 cups of coffee.

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“Old and new Chinatown meet in the 200-block of East Georgia”

Mar. 24, 2016 – Vancouver Sun


Without any fanfare, the 200-block of East Georgia may have turned into Vancouver’s most interesting street.

It’s a mix of traditional Chinatown retailers and modern bars and restaurants — the street where the Fresh Egg Mart meets Fat Mao.

Chinese Vancouverites come from across the Lower Mainland to shop at classic Chinatown businesses like Carley B.B.Q. and Hot Pot Supplies, Gar Lock Seafood and Tin Lee Supermarket. Many are so old-school, the people working there don’t use English.

A new wave of hipsters can be found at the London Hotel pub, Mamie Taylor’s restaurant and the Ramen Butcher, which had instant lineups when it opened last year.

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“非華人商鋪進駐 帶旺華埠多元化”

2016-03-28 – 星島日報


佐治東街 時尚餐廳如雨後春筍

溫市華埠佐治東街(E Georgia St.)200號路段,近年新增數家非華人東主店鋪(下簡稱非華人店鋪),例如時尚咖啡店和餐廳等,令該街區由傳統華人店鋪區域,漸漸向多元化社區轉變,也吸引更多年輕消費者。受訪非華人店鋪東主均表示,生意越來越好,認為這對該街區華人店鋪的生意也有幫助,可帶旺人氣。有華人店鋪東主對新加入商家表示歡迎,也有華人東主認為華人店鋪應考慮轉變經營策略,以適應市場變化。

本報記者星期日前去華埠該路段查看,並走訪一些商家。記者發現新近遷來的非華人商鋪,均集中在接近緬街(Main St.)一側,店面裝修大多整潔,走高檔路線(見附表)。而較靠近歌雅街(Gore St.)一帶,則仍以華人商鋪為主。

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